The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 176

This week:

  • Our thoughts on Barbie-gate
  • Why the Women’s Hundred needs a different set of commentators to the men’s
  • Welsh Fire on top: has the draft worked?
  • A Mandhana moment of madness for Southern Brave

Plus… watch Jarrod Kimber’s video here.


2 thoughts on “The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 176

  1. Regarding the Barbie interview, I think you said most of what I was thinking. It was a highly predictable event given that the interviewer’s only claim to fame is appearing on a show where he would have seen women as nothing more than sex objects. I’m setting myself the goal this year of getting to the end of the Hundred without watching a ball (men’s or women’s)! Barbiegate just shows what a circus the whole thing is, illustrated by the fact we can’t have a 50-year-old serious cricket journalist asking serious questions about cricket. Instead we have to have a Z lister asking about players’ social lives because we have to make cricket look edgy and cool! Regarding the Sky coverage, have you tried writing to them with their comments? I agree, whatever event you’re covering in the world of TV sport, it’s unprofessional to go on air without doing your prep. Can’t see separate commentary teams for the two matches happening though, with all broadcasters continually telling us how cash strapped they are.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anyone know what The Hundred are doing to highlight the plight of Afghanistan women’s cricketers ?

    I noticed Oval Invincibles have the rainbow colours on their kit (and that’s not to support the NHS), so they’ve been allowed to use their kit to promote that message.

    Or is the plight of Afghanistan women’s cricketers too embarrassing an issue within cricket for any teams to want to stand up for them ?


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