The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 190

This week:

  • Meg Lanning’s shock retirement
  • England v India – THREE squads!
  • The return of Farrant and Wong?
  • Is Capsey on course for a Test debut?
  • ICC hypocrisy over Afghanistan & Sri Lanka

5 thoughts on “The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 190

  1. Banning women from playing cricket is NOT considered by the ICC to be government interference in cricket – how do we know this ? Because if it were, given the ICC have suspended Sri Lanka for government interference in cricket then they would have to suspend Afghanistan …… but they haven’t suspended Afghanistan therefore, QED, the ICC to do not consider banning women from playing cricket to be government interference.

    It would hard to imagine a sport’s governing body that is more unsuitable to govern a sport than the ICC.

    It will be very interesting to see how cricket, a sport that so obviously discriminates against women, could be allowed to take part in the Olympics (on the other hand, given the IOC hands hosting of the Games to countries with appalling human rights records, it should be a breeze for cricket to get the ‘yes’)

    Raf, Syd you are correct to call out the ECB and Cricket Australia for not taking a stand for human rights and withdrawing from the ICC. Both took a stand with South Africa so what is different …………….. oh, yes, that would be money wouldn’t it ?

    Both the ECB and Cricket Australia were happy to play Afghanistan in the Men’s World Cup – so their position is quite clear : Money trumps human rights.

    Let’s be quite blunt here. We, the public are being played by the likes of the ECB. They’ll stick rainbows on stumps, they’ll encourage taking the knee – why ? Because they hope like hell it will con the public into thinking they really care about equality of opportunity in cricket. What a sick joke.

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    • And if they did walk away from the ICC it would be presented as a white westerners trying to push their values and/or they don’t like ceding power to India/cultural superiority that they’re not running the show anymore.
      The simple fact is India runs world cricket, they have the demographics and the financial clout on their side. Whatever they want, they get.
      And I’d you argue against it, you’ll be pushed out at your own cost, and at the cost of your leading players (make it female) who won’t want to be banned from the riches in the IPL/WIPL.


      • “The simple fact is India runs world cricket, they have the demographics and the financial clout on their side. Whatever they want, they get.”

        Well, yes, as I say, in cricket money trumps human rights. However, any member of the ICC has a choice to make – whether to stand against sex discrimination or whether to stand by and take the money. For a sport that so exalts the fact it has The Spirit of Cricket, it is irony indeed that it allows one of its own members to perpetrate sex discrimination, breaks it own rules regarding the mandate to have a women’s team and is allowing Afghanistan to play on when Cricket banned South Africa.

        One of the features of standing out and standing up for basic human rights is that (a) it usually is uncomfortable (b) it usually has a cost (c) it is not about self gain and (d) opponents will make various, often nasty and untruthful allegations against you. Thank God various people and organisations have stood out and stood up in the past. Cricket was one of those in 1970s but has now degenerated into a money-centric, unethical, unprincipled and unaccountable sport. The Spirit of Cricket – what a joke.

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  2. And this year’s “Pontius Pilate Award For Hand-Washing” goes to…….the ICC! They also win special mention for misogyny, hypocrisy, and a total lack of integrity.

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  3. And the winner of this year’s “Pontius Pilate Award For Hand-Washing” goes to ……the ICC! They also win extra special mention for misogyny, hypocrisy, and a total lack of integrity. ♀︎🏏😻 John Thomson #17 – 415 Superior Street Victoria, BC V8V 1T5 Canada



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