The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 200

In our 200th episode (wooop!):

  • Higher salaries in The 100 – but could the money be more fairly distributed?
  • New rules about player selection – what, why & will they work?
  • 4 West Indian players retire at the same time… is something afoot?

Don’t forget to let us know your favourite episodes / moments below!

6 thoughts on “The CRICKETher Weekly – Episode 200

  1. Congratulations on your 200th episode keep up the good work.

    Just a suggestion can you put few words in description of title so that it can be easily found when searching for something.

    For example : currently the title is
    “The cricketHer weekly – Episode 200”

    So can it be something like
    “The crickether weekly – Episode 200 Hundred competition updates and wi women’s retirement.”

    Something like this so that if someone searches hundred competition updates it comes up top in search .


  2. Congratulations on achieving your double century! Your knowledge and understanding of women’s cricket is remarkable, and I look forward to many more episodes. I particularly enjoy your lambasting of the “old boys’ club” attitudes that are still prevalent in the game. And of course, Syd’s jokes. ♀︎🏏😻 John Thomson #17 – 415 Superior Street Victoria, BC V8V 1T5 Canada


    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on achieving your double century! Your knowledge and understanding of women’s cricket is remarkable, and I look forward to many more episodes. I particularly enjoy your lambasting of the “old boys’ club” attitudes that are still prevalent in the game. And of course, Syd’s jokes.

    Liked by 1 person

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